This post describes how to run a persistent installation of Wordpress on Kubernetes.

We’ll use the mysql and wordpress official Docker images for this installation. (The wordpress image includes an Apache server).

We’ll create two Kubernetes pods to run mysql and wordpress, both with associated persistent disks, then set up a Kubernetes service to front each pod.

This example demonstrates several useful things, including: how to set up and use persistent disks with Kubernetes pods; how to define Kubernetes services to leverage docker-links-compatible service environment variables; and use of an external load balancer to expose the wordpress service externally and make it transparent to the user if the wordpress pod moves to a different cluster node.

Some of the post details, such as the Persistent Disk setup, require that Kubernetes is running on Google Compute Engine.

Install gcloud and Start up a Kubernetes Cluster

First, if you have not already done so, create a Google Cloud Platform project, and install the gcloud SDK.

Then, set the gcloud default project name to point to the project you want to use for your Kubernetes cluster:

gcloud config set project <project-name>

Next, grab the Kubernetes release binary. (This example was tested with release 0.8.1).

Then, start up a Kubernetes cluster as described here.

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/

where <kubernetes> is the path to your Kubernetes installation.

Create and format two persistent disks

For this WordPress installation, we’re going to configure our Kubernetes pods to use persistent disks. This means that we can preserve installation state across pod shutdown and re-startup.

Before doing anything else, we’ll create and format the persistent disks that we’ll use for the installation: one for the mysql pod, and one for the wordpress pod. The general series of steps required is as described here, where $ZONE is the zone where your cluster is running, and $DISK_SIZE is specified as, e.g. ‘500GB’. In future, this process will be more streamlined.

So for the two disks used in this example, do the following. First create and format the mysql disk, setting the disk size to meet your needs:

gcloud compute disks create --size=$DISK_SIZE --zone=$ZONE mysql-disk
gcloud compute instances attach-disk --zone=$ZONE --disk=mysql-disk --device-name temp-data kubernetes-master
gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE kubernetes-master \
  --command "sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp && sudo /usr/share/google/safe_format_and_mount /dev/disk/by-id/google-temp-data /mnt/tmp"
gcloud compute instances detach-disk --zone=$ZONE --disk mysql-disk kubernetes-master

Then create and format the wordpress disk. Note that you may not want as large a disk size for the wordpress code as for the mysql disk.

gcloud compute disks create --size=$DISK_SIZE --zone=$ZONE wordpress-disk
gcloud compute instances attach-disk --zone=$ZONE --disk=$wordpress-disk --device-name temp-data kubernetes-master
gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE kubernetes-master \
  --command "sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp && sudo /usr/share/google/safe_format_and_mount /dev/disk/by-id/google-temp-data /mnt/tmp"
gcloud compute instances detach-disk --zone=$ZONE --disk wordpress-disk kubernetes-master

Start the Mysql Pod and Service

Now that the persistent disks are defined, the Kubernetes pods can be launched. We’ll start with the mysql pod.

Start the Mysql pod

Copy and then edit this mysql.yaml pod definition to use the database password you specify. mysql.yaml looks like this:

apiVersion: v1beta1
id: mysql
    version: v1beta1
    id: mysql
      - name: mysql
        image: mysql
          - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
           # change this
            value: yourpassword
        cpu: 100
          - containerPort: 3306
            # name must match the volume name below
          - name: mysql-persistent-storage
            # mount path within the container
            mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
      - name: mysql-persistent-storage
            # This GCE PD must already exist and be formatted ext4
            pdName: mysql-disk
            fsType: ext4
  name: mysql
kind: Pod

Note that we’ve defined a volume mount for /var/lib/mysql, and specified a volume that uses the persistent disk (mysql-disk) that you created. Once you’ve edited the file to set your database password, create the pod as follows, where <kubernetes> is the path to your Kubernetes installation:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ create -f mysql.yaml

It may take a short period before the new pod reaches the Running state. List all pods to see the status of this new pod and the cluster node that it is running on:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ get pods

Check the running pod on the Compute instance

You can take a look at the logs for a pod by using log. For example:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ log mysql

If you want to do deeper troubleshooting, e.g. if it seems a container is not staying up, you can also ssh in to the node that a pod is running on. There, you can run sudo -s, then docker ps -a to see all the containers. You can then inspect the logs of containers that have exited, via docker logs <container_id>. (You can also find some relevant logs under /var/log, e.g. docker.log and kubelet.log).

Start the Myql service

We’ll define and start a service that lets other pods access the mysql database on a known port and host. We will specifically name the service mysql. This will let us leverage the support for Docker-links-compatible serviceenvironment variables when we up the wordpress pod. The wordpress Docker image expects to be linked to a mysql container named mysql, as you can see in the “How to use this image” section on the wordpress docker hub page.

So if we label our Kubernetes mysql service mysql, the wordpress pod will be able to use the Docker-links-compatible environment variables, defined by Kubernetes, to connect to the database.

Copy the mysql-service.yaml file, which looks like this:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1beta1
id: mysql
# the port that this service should serve on
port: 3306
# just like the selector in the replication controller,
# but this time it identifies the set of pods to load balance
# traffic to.
  name: mysql
# the container on each pod to connect to, can be a name
# (e.g. 'www') or a number (e.g. 80)
containerPort: 3306
  name: mysql

Then, start the service like this:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ create -f mysql-service.yaml

You can see what services are running via:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ get services

Start WordPress Pod and Service

Once the mysql service is up, start the wordpress pod.

Copy this pod config file: wordpress.yaml and edit the database password to be the same as you used in mysql.yaml. Note that this config file also defines a volume, this one using the wordpress-disk persistent disk that you created.

apiVersion: v1beta1
id: wordpress
    version: v1beta1
    id: frontendController
      - name: wordpress
        image: wordpress
          - containerPort: 80
            # name must match the volume name below
          - name: wordpress-persistent-storage
            # mount path within the container
            mountPath: /var/www/html
          - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD
            # change this
            value: yourpassword
      - name: wordpress-persistent-storage
          # emptyDir: {}
            # This GCE PD must already exist and be formatted ext4
            pdName: wordpress-disk
            fsType: ext4
  name: frontend
kind: Pod

Create the pod:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ create -f wordpress.yaml

And list the pods to check that the status of the new pod changes to Running. As above, this might take a minute.

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ get pods

Start the WordPress service

Once the wordpress pod is running, start its service. Copy wordpress-service.yaml.

The service config file looks like this:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1beta1
id: frontend
# the port that this service should serve on
port: 3000
# just like the selector in the replication controller,
# but this time it identifies the set of pods to load balance
# traffic to.
  name: frontend
# the container on each pod to connect to, can be a name
# (e.g. 'www') or a number (e.g. 80)
containerPort: 80
  name: frontend
createExternalLoadBalancer: true

Note the createExternalLoadBalancer setting. This will set up the wordpress service behind an external IP. createExternalLoadBalancer only works on GCE.

Note also that we’ve set the service port to 3000. We’ll return to that shortly.

Start the service:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ create -f wordpress-service.yaml

and see it in the list of services:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ get services

Then, find the external IP for your WordPress service by listing the forwarding rules for your project:

$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list

Look for the rule called frontend, which is what we named the wordpress service, and note its IP address.

Visit your new WordPress blog

To access your new installation, you’ll first need to open up port 3000 (the port specified in the wordpress service config) in the firewall. Do this via:

$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create wordpress --allow tcp:3000

This will define a firewall rule called wordpress that opens port 3000 in the default network for your project.

Now, we can visit the running WordPress app. Use the external IP that you obtained above, and visit it on port 3000:


You should see the familiar WordPress init page.

Take down and restart your blog

Set up your WordPress blog and play around with it a bit. Then, take down its pods and bring them back up again. Because you used persistent disks, your blog state will be preserved.

If you are just experimenting, you can take down and bring up only the pods:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ delete -f wordpress.yaml
$ <kubernetes>/cluster/ delete -f mysql.yaml

When you restart the pods again (using the create operation as described above), their services will pick up the new pods based on their labels.

If you want to shut down the entire app installation, you can delete the services as well.

If you are ready to turn down your Kubernetes cluster altogether, run:

$ <kubernetes>/cluster/